These are books I recommend for couples and individuals who might be struggling to find passion and purpose in their lives and in their marriages. These books have changed my life, or impacted me, in some way and I am better because I read them.
The Bible
The Purpose Driven Life- Rick Warren
Grooming the Next Generation for Success-Dani Johnson (great for anyone who has children or grandchildren, or works with children)
Financial Peace Revisited- Dave Ramsey
Love & Respect- Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
Why You Do the Things You Do- Dr. Tim Clinton & Dr. Gary Sibcy
In the Eye of the Storm- Max Lucado
Making Love Last Forever- Gary Smalley
For Women Only: The Bible Study.- Shaunti Feldhahn (there is also a companion study for men only)
I love anything by Max Lucado, Beth Moore, Dr. James Dobson, Dani Johnson, Dave Ramsey, and Suze Orman, and so many others. Check back frequently because I will continue to update this list!